an order

The products and images displayed here in the shop can be viewed without obligation.
Step 1:
Select an item and add it to the shopping cart with the button take off. Here you have not yet purchased any items, this is a list of the products you have selected.
Step 2:
After all the items you would like to buy have been placed in the shopping cart, you can click on the top right small shopping bag click.
You will now see the complete list of your selected items.
Step 3:
Check your listing in the shopping cart again to ensure that all items are stored as desired. If an item is missing or you would like to buy more items, you can leave the shopping cart at any time and continue shopping or edit the number of items directly in the shopping cart. The items are temporarily stored in the shopping cart as long as you are in the online shop.
Step 4:
You have checked the list and now want to buy the items that are in your shopping cart. Now go one step further and click on the button to checkout and you will be redirected. Here you can see the complete invoice with the shipping costs and the total amount.
Again, please check if everything is correct.
Step 5:
You will now be guided through the ordering process. Here the personal contact details are requested from you, as well as the delivery address and the payment options.
Step 6:
After entering your personal data, select the payment option. You may leave our shop for a short time, but return after payment.
Step 7:
Your order is ready!
Now all you have to do is wait for your package!